Setengah Dien


Kelak akan tiba saatnya…
Sempurnalah setengah dien...
Disaat itu, kita akan mempunyai kaki yang sama-sama kuat untuk melangkah lebih rapi dalam menjalani kehidupan yang panjang.
dimana akan terjadi percepatan langkah menuju pencapaian-pencapain yang telah dibangun bersama dalam landasan iman, ihsan, dan islam.

dalam keterbatasanku sebagai manusia, kuharap kaki ini akan menjadi kaki yang cukup kuat untuk mengiringi langkahmu menuju pencapaian-pencapaian kita.
dengan satu tujuan, yakni berkarya bagi umat ini.
dengan langkah dan cara terbaik yang kita pahami.
dengan tuntunan al-Quran, yang akan kita senandungkan bersama
dalam detik kebersamaan kita nanti.
dengan tuntunan sunnahnya, yang akan kita pelajari dan jalankan bersama.

setengah dien adalah suatu langkah awal.
dan setengahnya lagi? tentu akan kita isi dan benahi bersama.

kau membantuku
aku membantumu

bersama dalam gerak yang sudah pasti tidak disangsikan lagi kehalalannya.
senyum kita akan mengisi hari-hari bahagia setelahnya.
dan untuk siapa senyuman itu?
tentu untuk umat ini.

ya, kita akan membangun generasi-generasi hebat.
generasi-generasi yang senantiasa bersyukur pada Tuhannya.
generasi yang selalu ingat untuk apa dia diciptakan.
generasi yang sangat mengerti tentang posisinya sebagai hamba.
generasi yang akan melahirkan karya terbaiknya untuk kebaikan umat.
generasi yang akan membangun peradaban ke arah yang lebih baik.

bukankah tentu akan sangat indah bila generasi itu lahir dari keluarga yang berbeda.
keluarga-keluarga muslim di jagat raya ini, yang tiap -tiap rumahnya menyenandungkan ayat-ayat cinta dari Tuhannya

generasi yang akan mengatakan pada ayah bundanya:
”ibu, ayah, aku akan mencoba meneladani rasul kita, dengan segala keterbatasanku sebagai manusia.”

”ibu, ayah, tetap bimbing aku untuk terus tegak berdiri di jalan Tuhan, di jalan orang-orang yang melandaskan hidupnya pada a-Qur’an dan sunnah”

”ibu, ayah, suatu hari nanti mungkin akan ada yang lain, yang akan membimbingku, menemani setengah perjalanan panjangku, namun ibu dan ayah tak usah khawatir, cintaku untuk kalian berada dalam cintanya pada ku”

...intanshurullaha yanshurkum, wayutsbbit aqdaamakum, ...

barang siapa yang menolong (agama) Allah, Allah pasti menolongnya, dan meneguhkan/menaikkan kedudukannya.

Colors of The Rainbow

 The bright colors of the rainbow
Trace their way across the sky
Granting peace after each shower
Like a touching lullaby
An emblem, marked by the beauty
Found within each stunning hue
Shall remain a lasting treasure
‘til our time on earth is through.

Her red arcs stand for the glory
Seen within the souls we love
Her orange bars tell us the story
Of the blazing sun above
Yellow shades confirm our pleasure
With each blessing we behold
While green tones attempt to measure
Every dream, yet to unfold.

Her blue streaks shine like the heavens
On an early springtime day
Though her soft indigo highlights
Seldom come outside to play
With her violet next door neighbor
And her other brilliant friends
When they form a gift of value
That does not know where it ends.

The rich colors of the rainbow
Forge their way into our hearts
To provide a sense of comfort
When the last raindrop departs
Such a symbol, marked by beauty
Shall forever share its worth
For as long as showers tumble
Upon the riches of earth.


Mampukah aku menjadi seperti ibunda Khadijah?
Agung cintanya kepada Allah dan Rasulullah
hartanya diperjuangkan di jalan fisabilillah
penawar hati kekasih Allah
susah dan senang rela bersama

Mampukah kudidik jiwa seperti Aisyah?
Istri Rasulullah yang bijak
pendorong kesusahan dan penderitaan
tiada sukar untuk dilaksanakan

Mengalir air mataku
melihat pengorbanan puteri Rasulullah Siti Fatimah
akur dalam setiap perintah, taat dengan abuyanya
yang senantiasa berjuang
tiada memiliki harta dunia
layaknya dia sebagai wanita penghulu syurga

ketika aku marah,
ingin kuintip serpihan sabar dari catatan hidup siti Sarah

tabah jiwaku, setabah umi nabi Ismail
mengendong bayinya yang masih merah
mencari air penghilang dahaga
diterik padang pasir merah
ditinggalkan suami akur tanpa bantah
pengharapannya hanya pada Allah
itulah Wanita bernama Siti Hajar

Mampukah aku menjadi wanita Sholehah?
mati dalam keunggulan iman
bersinar harum tersebar
bagai wanginya pusara masyitoh


Allahumma yassir wa la tu'assir...

-Ya Allah, make things easier for me and don't make them difficult-


Kejutan Manis Dari-Nya

Terima kasih ya Allah...
di tengah-tengah semua hal menyedihkan yang menimpaku, selalu ada saja kejutan yang Engkau berikan yang senantiasa dapat membuatku tersenyum...

selangkah lagi untuk dapat bertemu dengannya...

alhamdulillah =)



Life's real failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up

“Try and fail, but don't fail to try”

When You Believe

Many nights we prayed, with no proof anyone could hear
In our hearts a hopeful song, we barely understood
Now we are not afraid, although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains long before we knew we could

There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles, you can achieve,
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe

In this time of fear, when prayer so often proves in vain
Hope seems like the summer birds, too swiftly flown away
Yet now I'm standing here, my heart so full I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words, I'd never thought I'd say

There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles, you can achieve
When you believe, somehow you will
You will when you believe

They don't always happen when you ask
And it's easy to give in to your fear
But when you're blinded by your pain
Can't see your way safe through the rain
A small but still resilient voice
Says help is very near

There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe

Just believe, just believe
You will when you believ...

 Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey...

Raise up, girl!!!

“When one door closes another door opens, but we so often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door, that we do not see the ones which open for us.”
- Alexander Graham Bell -

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one, which has been opened for us.”
- Helen Keller -
These two quotes are so true! Read them again, they both say:
When one door closes another door opens.
People are too often attached to the past, to what they are familiar with, and therefore miss opportunities that stand right in front of them. Doors may close, but there are always unlimited numbers of doors – new opportunities. The world is full of opportunities, if we could only see them. The Infinite Power is infinite, and so the possibilities are without number.
Not every plan works out, there are losses and failures, there are problems in relationships, loss of money or job, sometimes unpleasant things happen. We don’t always have control over these happenings, but we can exercise control over our attention and attitude. When one of these things happens and we focus our attention on the loss – the closed door, we see only a closed door with the resultant frustration and unhappiness, but if we could only move our sight and attention away from the closed door, we might be surprised to discover a row of open new doors.
It might not be so easy to move our eyes elsewhere due various reasons, such as attachment to the old and familiar, and fear of the new and the unknown.
Many find it difficult to stop their stream of controlled thoughts, and consequently their mind keep focusing on the loss, failure, and frustration – the door that has closed. Will these thoughts help in anything, except of creating suffering and preventing any change and improvement?

Okay desi, you've to raise up, cheer up your self, and look for another doors!!! =)

A picture is worth a thousand words...

Can you guess what is the meaning of this picture for me???

yeah, it's seem so sad... T_T

Boundless as the sea...

saya sangat suka dengan gambar ini, gambar yang memperlihatkan sepasang kakek dan nenek yang sedang duduk berdekatan di tepi pantai...
mmm, saya mencoba memutar sebuah film yang saya buat sendiri dalam otak saya. film yang menceritakan cinta sepasang suami istri yang puluhan tahun sudah menjalin bahtera rumah tangga. saya mencoba merasakan harmoninya. ah, tapi saya tak jua dapat merasakannya, mungkin karena saya belum pernah merasakan hidup dalam kisah mereka. yang pasti, setelah puluhan tahun, cinta mereka sudah amat dalam, mungkin tak terukur dengan dalamnya lautan dan luasnya samudera. pasti banyak selisih paham dan permasalahan lain yang juga menambah bumbu-bumbu dalam rumah tangga mereka. tapi itu hanya segelintir hal yang kurang menyenangkan dari ribuan, jutaan, bahkan miliaran hal indah yang sudah mereka lalui bersama.
dan itulah cinta bagi mereka, memiliki arti yang sangat dalam dibanding dengan cinta-cinta monyet para remaja. dan bagi mereka, cinta tidak memiliki batas seperti sang samudera...

I hope that I can find "the one and only"...  

My Pray...

Sesungguhnya Engkau tahu
bahwa hati ini telah berpadu
berhimpun dalam naungan cintaMu
bertemu dalam ketaatan
bersatu dalam perjuangan
menegakkan syariat dalam kehidupan

Kuatkanlah ikatannya
kekalkanlah cintanya
tunjukilah jalan-jalannya
terangilah dengan cahayaMu
yang tiada pernah padam
Ya Rabbi bimbinglah kami

Lapangkanlah dada kami
dengan karunia iman
dan indahnya tawakal padaMu
hidupkan dengan ma'rifatMu
matikan dalam syahid di jalan Mu
Engkaulah pelindung dan pembela 


What I really need now???

I just need some luck...

hope so...

I hope the sun shines and It’s a beautiful day..
Something makes you remember and wish you had stayed...

I've failed but I smile... :)

So many failures that I got in this month. But, the show must go on, right? yeah it's hurt, but smile can relieve it... keep smile and always be grateful to God...

thanks Allah for every gift you gave to me... :)

Quote for today...

It's hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but it's even harder to give up when you know it's everything you want.

the only choice that I have...

yeah, life is so hard, girl!

Be my friend...

Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend...

Pictures speak a thousand words

There's just something really amazing about seeing the lights and trails of the city, don't you think? Or maybe it is just me?

Being extraordinary?

I admit that I’m just an ordinary girl. Yes, very ordinary. I'm not beautiful, not smart, not rich, not good in business, not good at speaking, nor jaunty. I enrolled at a very ordinary university in my country, living in a very simple family, and also have ordinary close friends. It's hard for me to escape my ordinary and become extraordinary. Sometimes I envy the person who is awarded the god talent to be extraordinary. I've tried very hard, but I still couldn’t be "the extraordinary girl". Is it just a dream for me?

This thought keep running through my mind. Then the question arises in me, "what is the extraordinary exactly?" Does someone who is beautiful/handsome, smart, rich, have many friends and many achievements can be called as extraordinary one? Does she/he find her/himself as extraordinary person?

Hoho, the answer is no, friend! Being extraordinary is obviously subjective. Person who has everything in this world is not necessarily an extraordinary person. He/she just looks better in some aspects than us. Maybe,  he/she feels the same thing that we feel that they admire some aspects that we have and envy because they can't find it in themselves. in the fact, we just compare, without analyzing.

Then, I conclude that being extraordinary lies in our ability to be grateful for what God bestowed upon us. Thus, we will always feel happy and incredible.

Extraordinary person is a person who always feels happy of what he/she has.

I need a space to breathe...

And I will find my way...

What I really want to do right now?

Motivation in the end of this month... =D

pelangi di matamu


Ada pelangi di bola matamu...

How to Study (Part 2); Good Listening in Class

Good Listening in Class

It is important for you to be a good listener in class. Much of what you will have to learn will be presented verbally by your teachers. Just hearing what your teachers say is not the same as listening to what they say. Listening is a cognitive act that requires you to pay attention and think about and mentally process what you hear.
Here are some things you should do to be a good listener in class.

Good Listening In Class, Teacher
  • Be Cognitively Ready to Listen When You Come to Class. Make sure you complete all assigned work and readings. Review your notes from previous class sessions. Think about what you know about the topic that will be covered in class that day.
  • Be Emotionally Ready to Listen When You Come to Class. Your attitude is important. Make a conscious choice to find the topic useful and interesting. Be committed to learning all that you can.
  • Listen with a Purpose. Identify what you expect and hope to learn from the class session. Listen for these things as your teacher talks.
  • Listen with an Open Mind. Be receptive to what your teacher says. It is good to question what is said as long as you remain open to points of view other than your own.
  • Be Attentive. Focus on what your teacher is saying. Try not to daydream and let your mind wander to other things. It helps to sit in the front and center of the class, and to maintain eye contact with your teacher. 
Good Listening In Class, Ear Listening
  • Be an Active Listener. You can think faster than your teacher can speak. Use this to your advantage by evaluating what is being said and trying to anticipate what will be said next. Take good written notes about what your teacher says. While you can think faster than your teacher can speak, you cannot write faster than your teacher can speak. Taking notes requires you to make decisions about what to write, and you have to be an active listener to do this.
  • Meet the Challenge. Don't give up and stop listening when you find the information being presented difficult to understand. Listen even more carefully at these times and work hard to understand what is being said. Don't be reluctant to ask questions.
  • Triumph Over the Environment. The classroom may too noisy, too hot, too cold, too bright, or too dark. Don't give in to these inconveniences. Stay focused on the big picture - LEARNING.

How to Study (Part 1); Becoming a Flexible Reader

Becoming a Flexible Reader

Becoming a Flexible Reader, Gymnast

To become a flexible reader, you need to know how to select and use a reading style that is consistent with your purpose for reading. There are three important reading styles you should learn to use. Each has its own purpose. Knowing when and how to use these three reading styles will make you a flexible reader. Read to learn about the three reading styles used by flexible readers.

Study Reading is the reading style used by flexible readers when their purpose is to read difficult material at a high level of comprehension. When using the Study Reading style, you should read at a rate that is slower than your normal reading rate. Further, as you read you must challenge yourself to understand the material. Study Reading will often require you to read material more than once to achieve a high level of comprehension. Sometimes, reading the material aloud will also help you improve your comprehension.

Skimming is the reading style used by flexible readers when their purpose is to quickly obtain a general idea about the reading material. The Skimming style is most useful when you have to read a large amount of material in a short amount of time. When using the Skimming style, you should identify the main ideas in each paragraph and ignore the details in supportive sentences. Because you are only looking for the main idea in each paragraph you read, a lower level of comprehension is to be expected than when using the Study Reading style.

Scanning is the reading style used by flexible readers when their purpose is to quickly locate a specific piece of information within reading material. The piece of information to be located may be contained in a list of names, words, numbers, short statements, and sometimes even in a paragraph. Since you know exactly what you are looking for, move your eyes quickly over the reading material until you locate the specific piece of information you need to find.

Before you begin your next reading assignment, identify your purpose for reading. Decide if you are reading for a high level of comprehension, trying to get a general idea about what you are reading, or looking for specific information. Then use the reading style that is appropriate for your reading purpose.

Becoming a Flexible Reader, Scanning

Mukjizat Embriologi di Dalam Al-Qur'an

Allohu Akbar… Maha Besar Alloh, yang telah menciptakan manusia dengan bentuknya yang sempurna, kemudian Alloh anugerahkan mereka dengan kecerdasan dan otak supaya mereka ini mau berpikir akan ciptaan Alloh. Alloh Ta’ala berfirman:
وَفِيْ الأَرْضِ ءَايَاتٌ لِلْمُوْقِنِيْنَ وَفِيْ أَنْفُسِكُمْ أَفَلاَ تُبْصِرُوْنَ
Dan di bumi itu terdapat tanda-tanda (kekuasaan Allah) bagi orang-orang yang yakin. dan (juga) pada dirimu sendiri. Maka apakah kamu tidak memperhatikan?” (QS Adz-Dzaariyat: 20-21)
Al-Imam ‘Abdurrahman bin Nashir as-Sa’di menjelaskan ayat di atas:
“Alloh Ta’ala berfirman menyeru hamba-hamba-Nya untuk bertafakkur (berfikir) dan mengambil i’tibar (pelajaran): “Dan di bumi itu terdapat tanda-tanda (kekuasaan Allah) bagi orang-orang yang yakin” yang mencakup bumi itu sendiri dan apa-apa yang ada padanya seperti pegunungan, lautan, sungai, pepohonan dan tetumbuhan, yang menunjukkan orang yang memikirkannya dan merenungkan maknanya, akan keagungan pencipta-Nya, kekuasannya-Nya yang maha luas, kebaikan-Nya yang umum mencakup semuanya dan ilmu-Nya yang mencakup zhahir dan bathin. Demikian pula, bahwa di dalam diri seorang hamba itu ada pelajaran, hikmah dan rahmat yang menunjukkan bahwa Alloh itu maha tunggal al-Ahad…” [Taysir Karimir Rahman, tafsir surat adz-Dzariyat, juz 29, hal. 809).
Manusia zaman dahulu tidak mengetahui bahwa mereka mengalami perkembangan di dalam perut (uterus ibnu mereka) hingga akhirnya sains modern menguaknya. Ilustrasi pertama yang diketahui tentang sebuah janin digambar oleh Leonardo Da Vinci pada abad ke-15. Pada abad ke-2 Masehi, Galen menggambarkan Plasenta dan membran fetal di bukunya yang berjudul ‘On the Formation of the Fetus’. Mungkin, karena inilah para dokter pada abad ke-7 M kemungkinan besar telah mengetahui bahwa embrio manusia berkembang di dalam uterus, namun tetap saja tidak mungkin mereka mengetahui bahwa embrio tersebut berkembang secara bertahap, walaupun Aristoteles telah menggambarkan tahap-tahap perkembangan embrio ayam pada abad ke-4 sebelum masehi. Pemahaman bahwa embrio manusia berkembang secara bertahap tidak dibahas dan diilustrasikan sampai abad ke-15.
Baru setelah Mikroskop ditemukan pada abad ke-17 oleh Leueewenhoek, deskripsi tentang embrio ayam dibuat, namun pengetahuan akan perkembangan embriologi manusia tidaklah diketahui secara mendetail melainkan setelah abad ke-20 setelah Streeter (1941) mengembangkan sistem pertama kali tentang tahap perkembangan embrio yang kemudian digantikan oleh sistem yang lebih akurat yang dikemukakan oleh O’Rahilly (1972).
Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa Salam telah menjelaskan perkembangan embrio ini secara mendetail 14 abad yang lalu, dimana pada zaman itu mikroskop, USG dan semisalnya belum ditemukan. Alloh Ta’ala berfirman :
يَخْلُقُكُمْ فِيْ بُطُوْنِ أُمَّهَاتِكُمْ خَلْقًا مِنْ بَعْضِ خَلْقٍ فِيْ ظُلُمَاتٍ ثَلاَثٍ
Dia menjadikan kamu dalam perut ibumu kejadian demi kejadian dalam tiga kegelapan.” (QS az-Zumar: 6)
Syaikh Ibnu Sa’di rahimahullahu menjelaskan penafsiran ayat ini: “yaitu Alloh menciptakan kalian thur ba’da thur (tahap demi tahap bentuknya), dan kalian dalam keadaan dimana tidak ada tangan satu makhlukpun memegang kalian dan mata melihat kalian, dan Dia-lah Alloh yang memelihara kalian di dalam tempat yang sempit tersebut (perut ibu, uterus), “dalam tiga kegelapan” yaitu kegelapan perut [zhulmatul Bathni], kegelapan rahim [zhulmatur rahmi] kemudian kegelapan tembuni/ari-ari [zhulmatu masyimah].
Sains modern menjelaskan bahwa tahapan perkembangan embrio di dalam uterus memang terjadi secara bertahap, bentuk demi bentuk. Dan sains modern menjelaskan bahwa janin manusia berada pada tiga lapisan, yaitu:
  1. Dinding anterior abdomen
  2. Dinding uterus
  3. Membran Amniochorionic (lihat Gambar 1)

(Gambar 1. Gambar irisan sagital dari abdomen dan pelvis (tulang kelamin) wanita menunjukkan janin di dalam uterus. Tiga kegelapan tersebut adalah: (1) Dinding anterior abdomen, (2) Dinding uterus, dan (3) Membran Amniochorionic.)
Penafsiran di atas tidak menyelisihi penjelasan sains modern, dimana “tiga kegelapan” tersebut yang dijelaskan oleh Syaikh as-Sa’di adalah sama dengan yang disebutkan di dalam sains modern.
Zhulmatul Bathni (kegelapan perut) bisa diinterpretasikan sama dengan dinding anterior abdomen. Karena bathnun sama dengan abdomen. Zhulmatur rahmi (kegelapan rahim) sama dengan dinding uterus, karena rahim yang dimaksud adalah uterus. Zhulmatul Masyimah (kegelapan tembuni) identik dengan membran amnichorionic.

Alloh Ta’ala berfirman:
ثُمَّ جَعَلْنَا نُطْفَةً فِيْ قَرَارٍ مَّكِيْنٍ
Kemudian Kami jadikan saripati itu air mani (yang disimpan) dalam tempat yang kokoh (rahim).” (QS Al-Mu’minun: 13)
Syaikh as-Sa’di rahimahullahu berkata: “Nuthfah adalah sesuatu yang keluar dari tulang sulbi laki-laki dan tulang dada perempuan kemudian menetap di “tempat yang kokoh” yaitu rahim, yang memeliharanya dari rusak, cedera dan selainnya.”
Sesuatu yang keluar dari sulbi laki-laki adalah spermatozoa dan yang keluar dari wanita adalah ovum. Lantas keduanya bercampur sebagaimana dalam firman Alloh Ta’ala:
إِنَّا خَلَقْنَا الإِنْسَانَ مِنْ نُطْفَطٍ أَمْشَاجٍ
Sesungguhnya kami menciptakan manusia dari tetesan air yang bercampur.” (QS Al-Insan : 2)
Campuran keduanya ini membentuk zigot yang membelah diri membentuk blastocyst yang tertanam secara kuat di uterus (tempat yang kokoh). (Gambar 2)

Gambar 2 : Blastocyst yang tertanam dalam uterus

Kemudian Alloh Ta’ala berfirman :
ثُمَّ خَلَقْنَا النُطْفَةَ عَلَقَةً
Kemudian nuthfah itu Kami jadikan ‘alaqoh” (QS Al-Mu’minun : 14)
Kata ‘Alaqoh dari sisi bahasa Arab bermakna 3, yaitu:
  1. Bermakna lintah.
  2. Bermakna sesuatu yang tergantung.
  3. Bermakna segumpal darah.
Dan maha suci Alloh, ternyata tiga makna yang terkandung di dalam kata ’Alaqoh ini tidak ada yang menyelisihi fakta saintifik modern sedikitpun.
Alaqoh bermakna sebagai lintah, Ini adalah deskripsi yang tepat bagi embrio manusia sejak berusia 1-24 hari ketika menempel di endometrium pada uterus, serupa sebagaimana ‘lintah’ menempel di kulit. Serupa pula dengan ‘lintah’ yang memperoleh darah dari inangnya, embrio manusia juga memperoleh darah dari “endometrium deciduas” saat hamil. Hal ini sangat luar biasa bagaimana embrio yang berumur 23-24 hari bisa menyerupai seekor lintah (Gambar 3). Selama mikroskop dan lensa belum ditemukan pada abad ke-7, para dokter tidak akan tahu bahwa embrio manusia memiliki penampakan seperti lintah.
Ketika membandingkan lintah air tawar dengan embrio pada tahap ‘alaqoh, Profesor Moore, seorang profesor Emeritus ahi anatomi dan embriologi dari Universitas Toronto Kanada, menemukan kesamaan yang banyak pada keduanya. Beliau berkesimpulan bahwa embrio selama tahap ‘alaqoh memiliki penampakan yang sangat mirip dengan lintah. Profesor Moore lantas menempatkan sebuah gambar embrio dan lintah bersebelahan (Gambar 3).

Gambar 3 : Atas, sebuah gambar dari lintah. Bawah, sebuah gambar dari embrio berusia 24 hari. Perhatikan penampakan seperti lintah pada embrio manusia dalam tahap ini.

Arti kedua, ‘alaqoh adalah ‘sesuatu yang tergantung’, dan hal ini adalah apa yang dapat kita lihat pada penempelan embrio di uterus/rahim selama tahap ‘alaqoh. Dan ini adalah suatu fakta ilmiah.
Arti ketiga adalah ‘segumpal darah’. Hal ini signifikan untuk mengamati sebagaimana pernyataan Profesor Moore, bahwa embrio selama tahap ‘alaqoh mengalami peristiwa internal yang sudah dikenal, seperti pembentukan darah pada pembuluh tertutup, sampai siklus metabolisme selesai di plasenta. Selama tahap ‘alaqoh, darah ditangkap di dalam pembuluh tertutup dan inilah alasan mengapa embrio memiliki penampakan seperti gumpalan darah. Ketiga deskripsi tersebut secara mengagumkan disodorkan oleh satu kata ‘alaqoh dalam Qur’an. Maha suci Alloh.

Alloh Ta’ala berfirman:
ثُمَّ خَلَقْنَا العَلَقَةً مُضْغَةً
Kemudian ‘alaqoh itu kami jadikan mudhghoh” (QS Al-Mu’minun : 14)
Kata Mudghah bisa bermakna “segumpal daging” dan bisa juga bermakna “sesuatu yang dikunyah”. Akhir minggu ke empat, embrio manusia tampak seperti gumpalan daging atau sesuatu yang dikunyah (gambar 4). Penampakan seperti bekas kunyahan menunjukkan somit yang menyerupai tanda gigi. Somit merepresentasikan permulaan primordia dari vertebrae (bakal tulang belakang)

Gambar 4. Kiri, model plastik embrio manusia yang memiliki penampakan gumpalan daging. Kanan, sebuah gambar embrio berusia 28 hari yang menunjukkan beberapa somit seperti manik-manik yang menyerupai tanda gigi pada pada model yang ditunjukkan di kiri.

Allah Ta’ala berfirman:
فَخَلَقْنَا المُضْغَةَ عِظَامًا فَكَسَوْنَا العِظَامَ لحَمْاً
Kemudian kami jadikan mudghoh itu ‘idhoman (tulang belulang), lalu tulang belulang itu kami bungkus dengan lahma (daging/otot)” (QS Al-Mu’minun : 14)
Ayat di atas mengindikasikan bahwa setelah tahap mudhghoh, tulang belulang dan otot terbentuk. Hal ini sesuai dengan perkembangan embriologi. Pertama tulang terbentuk sebagai model kartilago (tulang rawan) dan otot (daging) berkembang menyelimutinya dari mesodermal somatik.

Allah Ta’ala berfirman:
ثُمَّ أَنْشَأْنَاُه خَلْقًا ءَاخَرَ
Kemudian kami jadikan dia makhluk yang berbentuk lain” (QS Al-Mu’minun : 14)
Ayat di atas mengimplikasikan bahwa tulang dan otot menghasilkan bentukan/formasi makhluk dengan bentuk yang lain. Hal ini bisa mengacu pada manusia yang masih berupa embrio yang terbentuk di akhir minggu ke delapan. Pada tahap ini, embrio memiliki karekteristik khusus dan memiliki primordia (bakal) seluruh organ dan bagian-bagiannya baik internal maupun eksternal. Setelah minggu ke delapan, embrio ini disebut fetus. Hal ini menjadikannya sebagai makhluk yang baru yang berbentuk lain. Maha Suci Alloh, Pencipta yang paling baik.

Allah Ta’ala berfirman:
وَجَعَلَ لَكُمُ السَّمْعَ وَالأَبْصَارَ وَالأَفْئِدَةَ
dan Ia menjadikan bagimu pendengaran, pengelihatan dan pemahaman (hati)” (QS an-Nahl : 78)
Ayat di atas mengindikasikan bahwa indera khusus seperti pendengaran, pengelihatan dan peraba berkembang pada tahap ini, adalah benar. Primordia (bakal) telinga internal nampak sebelum permulaan perkembangan mata, dan otak (tempatnya pemahaman) berdiferensiasi terakhir kali.

Allah Ta’ala berfirman:
ثُمَّ مِنْ مُضْغَةٍ مُخَلَّقَةٍ وَغَيْرِمُخَلَّقَةٍ
Kemudian dari segumpal daging yang sempurna kejadiannya dan yang tidak sempurna” (QS Al-Hajj: 5)
Penggalan ayat di atas mengindikasikan bahwa embrio tersusun atas jaringan yang berdiferensiasi (sempurna kejadiannya) dan jaringan yang tak berdiferensiasi (tidak sempurna). Sebagai contoh, ketika tulang kartilago (rawan) berdiferensiasi, jaringan ikat embrio atau mesenkim yang menyelubunginya tak berdifirensiasi. Ia akan berdiferensiasi kemudian menjadi otot dan ligamen yang menempel di tulang. Dan ini adalah suatu fakta ilmiah yang tak terbantahkan.

Allah Ta’ala berfirman:
لِنُبَيِّنَ لَكُمْ وَنُقِرُّ فِيْ الأَرْحَامِ مَا نَشَاءُ إِلَى أَجَلٍ مُسَمًّى
Agar kami jelaskan kepadamu dan kami tetapkan di dalam rahim (uterus), apa yang kami kehendaki sampai waktu yang telah ditentukan” (QS Al-Hajj : 5)
Penggalan ayat di atas menyatakan bahwa Alloh telah menetapkan dan menentukan embrio di dalam uterus sampai masa penuhnya (kehamilan 9 bulan). Hal ini juga diketahui secara jelas bahwa banyak embrio gagal berkembang selama bulan pertama perkembangannya, dan hanya sekitar 30% zigot yang terbentuk, berkembang menjadi fetus yang selamat hingga kelahiran.
Di dalam buku “Developing Human”, DR. Moore menyatakan bahwa klasifikasi modern tentang tahap perkembangan embrionik, yang telah diadopsi hampir di seluruh dunia, adalah pengkasifikasian yang terlalu rumit dan tidak komprehensif. Klasifikasi modern di atas tidak memberikan kontribusi terhadap pemahaman mengenai tahapan perkembangan embrionik secara mudah dan jelas, karena tahap-tahap tersebut berdasarkan bentuk numerik, yaitu, tahap 1, tahap 2, tahap 3, dst. Pembelahan yang telah disebutkan di dalam al-Qur’an tidaklah bergantung pada sistem numerik. Lebih jauh, klasifikasi perkembangan embrio yang terdapat di al-Qur’an berdasarkan pada pengidentifikasian bentuk (morfologi) dan ukuran yang lebih akurat, mudah difahami dan jelas.
Al-Qur’an mengeidentifikasikan tahapan perkembangan prenatal sebagai berikut:
  • Nuthfah, yang berarti “setetes” atau “sejumlah kecil air”
  • Alaqoh yang berarti “struktur seperti lintah”, “segumpal daging” atau “sesuatu yang tergantung”.
  • Mudghah yang berarti “struktur bekas kunyahan” atau “segumpal daging”
  • Idhaam yang berarti “tulang” atau “rangka”
  • Kisaa al-‘Idham bil laham, yang bermakna membungkus tulang dengan daging atau otot.
  • An-Nasy’a yang berarti “formasi/pembentukan fetus yang sudah jelas”
Prof Moore telah menjelaskan bahwa pembelahan versi Qur’an ini benar-benar berdasarkan pada fase yang berbeda pada perkembangan prenatal. Beliau telah menggarisbawahi bahwa deskripsi saintifis yang elegan ini lebih komprehensif dan praktis. Dan seharusnya para saintis modern menjadikan dasar klasifikasi perkembangan embriologi di dalam Al-Qur’an ini sebagai dasar klasifikasi yang dipegang, karena lebih mudah difahami, akurat dan saintifis.
Dari paparan di atas, apakah mungkin Al-Qur’an yang diturunkan kepada Rasulullah Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa Salam ini adalah kitab suci yang diada-adakan oleh beliau sebagaimana tuduhan kaum kuffar dan atheis? Bagi orang-orang yang mempergunakan akal sehatnya tentu akan mengatakan, “Maha Suci Alloh, sesungguhnya ini semua berasal dari sisi-Mu.” 



President of superpower country, united states of America, arrived to Indonesia today at 04.00 pm! every channel of television is busy preaching about this. His arrival is waited by most Indonesian people after long pro and contra by some people related to his arrival. and about 06.30 pm, there was a public conference in which Obama and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (President of Indonesia) were the speaker. Most of questions are addressed to America and Indonesia cooperation and relationship, besides with other Asia-Pacific countries.

Well, actually, I just admire the way of Obama talk or deliver his mind. It is so enthusiastic and significantly reflect that he has a really broad minded. He delivered it all in a relaxed, but still classy and elegant. and of course, I believe, most of people outside put a sense of awe to him, a figure that considerable influence in the world now.

Then, after watching this public conference on television, directly I asked a question to my self, "could I become like him? a person who has influence in the world, a person who can carve history in the eyes of the world, and a person who is respected by most of people in the world? could I?"

This question is still ringing in my head until now...
But, one thing that I must consider, like the advice of uncle Ben Parker in Spider-Man movie, "With a great power comes a great responsibility"...


Pray for Indonesia

Indonesia was hit by sadness. Chain of prolonged natural disasters unremitting occurred in Indonesia. Tsunami just happened in Mentawai. Shortly afterwards, Mount Merapi eruption in Jogja. Many people were injured, many people lose their families and people nearby. Merapi ash to rain in the beautiful city of Jogjakarta. God, give strength and patience for our brothers affected by natural disasters in Jogjakarta ...

Indonesia is crying and so does my heart... ='(


There's a hero
If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are

There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

It's a long road
And you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand
For you to hold

You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt
Will disappear

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

Oh ho, Lord knows
Dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone
Tear them away, hey yea

Hold on
There will be tomorrow
In time, you find the way, hey

Then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive

So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

That a hero lies in you
Mmm, that a hero lies in you

Have you ever...

Have you ever feel there's something strange in your heart?
Have you ever feel there's nothing wrong with your heart, but always there's something wrong with yourself?
Have you ever feel alone and lonely in a crowd?
Have you ever feel that you're supposed to be somewhere else and live another life?

Have you ever...

Being a Leader...

Being a leader is not an easy job...

Being a leader means recognizing passion, authenticity, integrity, and ethics as the cornerstones of effective leadership upon which we lay the foundation to bring about change. And these are personal choices, not simply what we come to know by studying about leaders and leadership. Being a leader means knowing who you are at the deepest level.

Being a leader, is not something you have to be born with. You can develop the qualities of a leader by being a good follower. True leaders, however, are not average people, they must be above average. I mean by this, that if you are an everyday average person, you are most likely a follower, not a leader. Once you become a leader, your thoughts, actions, and achievements will be above average, because you will be reacting differently than the average person.

True leaders are mentors with a servant's heart. These are not just pretty words to fill out space. If you are NOT a true servant with a true passion for helping people you will not be a true leader in the real sense of the word.

When I was elected...

Today I was elected as a head of FKIA (Academic and Scientific Medical Student’s Association) of Sriwijaya Medical School. FKIA is an organization that is engaged in the development of student achievements, particularly in academic and scientific fields. Surely, it is not easy to become a leader within the scope of FKIA. It’s because FKIA is divided into 2 concentrations, Academic and Scientific Program. Actually, I didn’t intend to be a chief in that organization because I realized that will be many consequences that I have to carry in a period of one year forward and I also realized that there will be more sacrifices that I have to do. Previously, I served as head of the department of education and profession in student executive board of Sriwijaya Medical School and head of the department of scientific study in Academic Club. That experience was enough to make me know how hard being a leader in which we have responsibilities to The God, the organization that we shelter, the people around, and ourselves. Actually, I planned to retire from all kinds of organizations after I no longer served as the head of those departments. I had many plans, started from focus on my lectures, taking English course, spending more time at home, hanging out with my friends, and so forth. But it all crashed when I was elected as a head of FKIA because I realize that many things I should think and do for the achievement of the goals of that organization. There will be much time, energy, thoughts, and material that I will sacrifice. Become a leader is not easy because at that moment, one of your feet is in heaven, while other is in hell. If your step is wrong, your whole body might be trapped in hell.

After going through deep contemplation, I realized that being a leader is not an option, but it is a must! To be elected as a leader indicates that there are still many people who trust you and looking forward to you to be able to bring the benefits and advancement for many people through the organization. These expectations then turned into a huge fire that could raise my spirits that began to outages due to saturation and exhaustion. Those expectations are the reinforcement of my heart to go forward for a better changes starting from this moment until the unlimited time.

So, keep moving forward! =D

my amazing 20th

mmm, ngomong-ngomong masalah ulang tahun, saya jadi pengen cerita tentang keseruan ultah ke-20 saya yang menurut saya ini ultah yang paling berkesan. saya dikerjain abis-abisan sama oknum-oknum tertentu, haha. 

jadi gini ceritanya. tepat 13 oktober 2010, nilai blok 14 (hematologi) ditempel di papan pengumuman. pas saya lihat, ternyata ada salah satu nilai ujian saya yang hilang, yaitu SOCA (ujian lisan+presentasi kasus). oh God, sesuatu yang ga banget deh. males banget kalau mau ngurusin nilai yang ilang, tapi okay, nanti saya urus deh, tapi bukan hari itu. pas saya duduk, tiba-tiba sang ketua angkatan nyamperin saya, dengan wajah yang serius dia bilang, "des, ini nilai kamu kan ada yang hilang. tadi dr.M (sekretaris blok 14 yang juga terkenal killernya) nelpon aku, katanya dia bilang mau minta ujian SOCA susulan hari ini, atau nilai SOCA kamu bakal hilang selamanya". trus dateng lagi si rudini efendi yang dengan tampang seriusnya bilang, "iya des, dr.M nya lagi menuju kesini, beliau dari rumah sakit, cepetan kamu siap-siap, bawa spidol, beliau bakal nunggu di ruang tutorial). mereka ngomong panjang lebar dengan alasan-alasan yang meyakinkan banget bahwa saya harus ujian susulan SOCA hari ini.

astagaaaaa apa ini, saya ga siap apapun juga, blok 14 itu udah zaman kapan, saya harus belajar dulu untuk me-rewind lagi pelajaran yang udah saya dapet. manalagi, saya ga bawa literatur apapun, SOCA apa yang tanpa literatur. dan yang paling bikin saya syok itu, masa saya harus SOCA sama dr.M (yang terkenal killer) tanpa persiapan apapun, tanpa belajar terlebih dahulu, dan hari itu juga.
spontan ya, saya nangis, musibah macam apa ini, masa ujian susulan lebih parah dari ujian sebenarnya, mana ga ada yang inget sama ulang tahun saya lagi, bener-bener deh.
trus lewatlah temen-temen yang lain sambil bilang "sabar ya des, ini aku pinjemin spidol buat ujian SOCA nya" (huaaaaaaaa, tambah sedih :_:).
akhirnya saya dibawa ke ruang tutorial untuk bertemu sang penguji. itu tangan saya udah gemeteran abis, sambil nahan air mata. pas buka pintu, ternyata surprise!!!

happy birthday to you... 
happy birthday to you... 
happy birthday... 
happy birthday... 
happy birthday...
to you....

(temen-temen sambil bawain kue ulang tahun dengan lilin yang udah dinyalain)

-well, terharu-

dari kiri ke kanan (berdiri): uly, noni, ditta, saya, richard, meigi, opit, abdur, rudini
dari kiri ke kanan (duduk): dekta, yama, franz
yang ngambil foto: rahman

thanks to all of you for the very very wonderful and unforgettable surprise! =D

*sebenarnya ada video yang mau saya upload, tentang suasana disaat surprise ini sedang terjadi (videonya direkam oleh ahmad fathira fitrah). tapi ga jadi karena sizenya mencapai 108mb, hhu*

Unforgettable Moments in The 8th IMSPQ, Malaysia

Well, I'd like to share about my incredible experience when I attended The 8th IMSPQ (Inter-Medical School Physiology Quiz) held by University of Malaya (UM) in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It's such kind of the international physiology competition for medical students held in 24-25 August 2010. We departed from Palembang at the morning of 23th August and arrived in Kuala Lumpur at the evening. It was so tiring day for us because we spent most of our time in airport! After we arrived in Kuala Lumpur, we rushed up the taxi to go to Wisma Belia (lodging provided by committee). Unfortunately, we didn't know exactly the address of wisma belia (how poor). The driver said that  there are many wisma belia in kuala lumpur and he confused where he should drive us. After long discussion, at last we find the wisma belia that we seek. At the lobby, I found some of students that have the same race with me, malayan. I guessed that they are from Indonesia, and my guess is correct, they are from Diponegoro medical school, Indonesia. They are very warm and friendly, especially the accompanying lecturer, Dr. Hardian. (^____^)

we (the female students) got the room in 6th floor, at the end of corridor near by window glass, while the male students got the room in 12th floor. Our room was occupied by three students. Not long after we occupied that room, we saw the foreign students occupied the room in front of our room. They are from AIIMS India, we just had a short chat with them in that night.

In 24th August, the competition was began. Today, we just have to do the written test, then cultural night. But, before the competition was began, we were invited to walk around the medical faculty of Malaya University by some students there, named Chia and Yan Li. They are very friendly and have a nice personality. I just admire the way they explore about their university and I think UM is really great university! The medical faculty is located behind the hospital that used for their study. the building it self consist of 14th floor. The lecture hall and the library is really big and well design (well, it's very different with our faculty T.T)

After we walked around that university, we took the written test. The result will be announced in the cultural night. In the cultural night, many university from several countries presented their creativity. Our friends from Romania presented penguin dance that attract many people to join with them. Our friends from Japan presented the Yukata dance that very very great! They performed it totally. and of course, our friends from University of Indonesia presented the traditional dance of Indonesia. They were only the Indonesian team who presented something in cultural night. On the sidelines of the event, prof Cheng announced the teams who passed the written test, as we guess, we didn't pass the written test. actually, we lack of preparation to this competition. we seldom had a special time to discuss about physiology and although we've gathered, we couldn't focused on our discussion because of many reasons. but, even though we failed, we keep smile and happy.

There was a little remorse after that announcement, we didn't prepare it well and of course it cause the bad result. But, the show must go on right? So, after we return to wisma belia, we (The male and female student of Sriwijaya medical school) gathered in female's room. we just want to share the happy moment in that night and laugh together. Surprisingly, our friends from India (consist of 5 boys) joined with us in that night, it's such of crowded condition in our room, hehe. We talked together, then we sang, shared about our country and medical school, then we laughed until midnight. Their presence become reliever for our sadness in that night (^___^). Actually, I just wonder, they supposed to study at that night because they passed the written test and gonna have oral test tomorrow. but, I just see one student who study hard in his room (Ravi, haha), while four others (Varidh, Mandeep, Siddarth, and Toney) keep sharing happiness with us (hehe). But, I believe that they all are smart students and have already prepared well for this competition and I pray to God in order they can be a winner of this competition... =D

And in the 25th August, after very exciting oral competition, there were three winners of this competition, they are University of Malaya as 1st winner, Colombo University (our nice friend from Sri Lanka) as 2nd winner, and AIIMS as 3rd winner. We are really happy because our friends from India can get top three of this competition. We are happy too for the victory of our friends from Malaysia and Sri Lanka.

Besides it all, we also make friends with medical students from China, (Han, Sunnie, and friends). They are from Second Military Medical University, they are very nice, charming, smart, and friendly. They have really nice smile and warm personality, it's occur not just in students, but also the teacher... =D
Not just that, we also have a chance to recognize other smart and friendly friends from Indonesia (many friends from UI, Unpad, Undip, and UGM), Sri Lanka (Piyumi, Thilina, Thilini, Vihangi, and friends), Malaysia (Friends from UM, UTM, and others), Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Romania, and other countries.

The 8th IMSPQ is really great and unforgettable moment whole my life. It's really open my horizon of thought, make us realize how great the medical students from various countries, and how small we are. It burns our spirit to keep moving forward to chase our dream... =D
And the moment in which we can find many smart, warm, and friendly friends from various countries really impress me...
From the deepest of my heart, I just want to say that I miss you all friends...
Wish that we can meet again in the future... =D

Life is ...

The silence of impatience, of longing, is a strange sort of melody.
Experience it and see, every breath you draw is a shock to you.
No matter how much you comprehend it, you can never understand it fully.
Life is a confluence of joy and grief.

Sometimes it's autumn, sometimes it's the rainy season.
This season comes and goes.
Sometimes you laugh, and sometimes you weep.
Sometimes you must laugh, sometimes you have to cry.
Life is a confluence of joy and grief.

There are compulsions in life, there are worldly customs to follow.
There are days of loss and of gain, there are promises and oaths to be kept.
And there's a nameless longing that fills each moment.
Life is a confluence of joy and grief.

Someone sleeps beneath his beloved's scarf, someone's heart longs for what he can never have.
Despair might bloom like sunshine, and love may shower down like rain.
Sometimes there's pain, and perhaps it can be soothed.
Life is a confluence of joy and grief.

Memories of past moments torture us.
They come in the form of a shadow, like a shadow they depart.
It's a world of loneliness.
Life is a confluence of joy and grief.

Sometimes it's autumn, sometimes it's the rainy season.
Life is a confluence of joy and grief.

Kerja Serabutan -sukasukakami-

kali ini team medical dragon dapet job baru, jadi event organizer! yah meskipun yang diminta hanya 5 orang, tapi kami harus mampu membuat acara yang super duper heboh bagi anak-anak kecil gitu (anak-anak dokter maksudnyaaa). Proses persiapannya lumayan melelahkan, mulai dari belanja bareng di lotte mart, bungkusin hadiah-hadiahnya (yang banyak banget), dekor ruangan (yang ribet banget), bersihin ruangan (yang kotor banget), de el el. pas besoknya, kami dateng pagi-pagi banget buat nyiapin balon (yang banyak banget). untung aja ada pompa, jadi lumayan bisa membantu dalam dekor balon.

sebelum jam 12 teng, semuanya udah siap. wow!!! kami sendiri terkejut dengan hasil kerja kami. ruangan yang sederhana itu berhasil kami sulap jadi ruangan yang penuh dengan balon dan nuansa anak-anak. sebagian balon kami pasang pada stick, sebagiannya lagi (balon kecil-kecil) kami taburkan di lantai. tak lupa, om badut pun udah lengkap mengenakan konstum dan make-up nya.

sekitar jam 12 lewat, anak-anak itu kami persilahkan masuk, and you guess what? mereka dengan brutalnya nginjak balon-balon yang ada di lantai sampe pecah (sadis juga). kami bener-bener ga nyangka kalo mereka sebrutal itu (hehe), tapi ada juga lho yang nangis-nangis karena ketakutan sama om badut. semua anak dengan cerianya mengikuti acara kami. ssttt, tapi tahukah anda mengapa mereka begitu??? the answer is karena mereka mengharapkan doorprizenya!!! saat doorprize nya abis, om badut kan mau ngambil perlengkapan sulapnya, eh pas lihat ke belakang, ga ada lagi satu pun anak yang bertahan!!! (hahahhaa, lucu waktu inget ekspresi om badut)...

meskipun melelahkan, tetap in the end of this day kami merasa happy karena udah ngelakuin something fun dengan anak-anak itu... =)

big thanks to richard togi lumban tobing, yama sirly putri, yurika erliani, dan meigi medika..